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©Copyright 2025 by lens.me. All Rights Reserved.A Must Read For Anyone Traveling With Contact Lenses
Summertime is synonymous with vacations, and whether you’re only driving a few hours away or you’re headed on a plane to another part of the world, there are some important items to consider. Making sure to arrange for someone to feed your dog tops the priority list, but you should also give some time and thought to your contact lenses.
Wearers of colored contact lenses and clear correctional lenses alike should keep the following tips in mind to ensure their vacation is a success and their eyes remain healthy:
Check Your Stock
All too often we forget to look at just how many contact lenses we have left at home and end up placing an order at the last minute. While this might be fine occasionally, leaving for vacation brings another element into play. Remember to place your order at lens.me a few weeks before you leave to ensure you’ll have enough contacts to take with you.
Think Before You Fly
It might seem like common sense to wear your contacts on a plane as they are typically far more comfortable than glasses. However, the humidity on your average aircraft is far lower than our natural environment, and people find that their contact lenses dry out pretty quickly. Try wearing your glasses anyway or at the very least using rewetting drops during the flight.
Be Extra Clean and Look After Your Contact Lenses
Daily contact lens wearers know that having an established routine can help to keep lenses clean, as we have our own methods that typically include copious amounts of hand washing. When you’re on vacation and in a new environment, it can be tough to keep up the same level of cleanliness. It pays to make an extra effort toward making a routine as best as you can.
Keep Your Contact Lens Case Sealed
While packing a healthy supply of lenses in your checked luggage is a smart idea, it will benefit you to stash a few sets in your carry-on baggage as well. All too often our suitcases don’t make it to our vacation destination at the same time that we do, and you wouldn’t want to be left wearing lenses past their lifespan.
Consider Daily Disposable Contact Lenses
Colored contact lens lovers take note, as toting a monthly lens with you to a foreign destination can be like putting all of your eggs into one basket. Check out the selection of daily lenses at lens.me to see if a daily option might be more efficient for you during this short time instead of having to rely on one pair the entire trip.
Remember, the health of your eyes is paramount no matter how much fun your vacation might be. Pack a clean contact lens case with you (or two!) as well as cleaning solution and rewetting drops, and don’t forget your glasses just in case.
If you do find that you’ve left a reorder for the last minute, lens.me has you covered with fast shipping via FedEx and can get you the lenses you love before you depart. Enjoy your summer vacation and make sure to keep your eyes healthy!