Hidrocor Topazio - by single lens

By Single Lens $41.50
Prescription: Left Eye Right Eye
You selected 1 lens for 1 eye only

Solotica Hidrocor Topazio

Achieve beautiful bright blue eyes with Solotica Hidrocor Topazio. With incredible vibrant color and without a limbal ring, they fade into a hint of yellow and are one of our top sellers.

Why to wear Solotica Hidrocor Topazio?

People tend to remember someone with striking blue eyes, and if you want to amp up the boldness of a blue eyes, Topazio is the perfect pick. These lenses create a natural look without a limbal ring and start with an outer color of bright vibrant blue. They slowly fade toward the center and highlight your pupil with just a touch of yellow. Color contact lenses are meant to be fun and to express yourself, so if you want one of our top selling bold colors, the Topazio is for you!


The result/outcome when wearing color contact lenses will vary on your original eye color, shape of your face, complexion, make-up, lighting and other factors.

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