If you’ve been searching for colored contact lenses, then you’ve probably come across the term limbal ring. A limbal ring refers to the darker outer ring of the iris. Colored contact lenses come in different colors but also with varying limbal rings dependent on the look you want to achieve. We’ve listed some examples of limbal rings below.

Limbal Ring On Colored Contact Lenses Explanation

No Limbal Ring

Colored contact lenses without a limbal ring are usually the most natural-looking colored contact lenses. Solotica Hidrocor colored contacts do not feature a limbal ring have been named the most natural-looking cosmetic lenses in the world.

Slight Limbal Ring

Colored contact lenses with a slight limbal ring refer to lenses which give a slightly darker ring around the iris of the eye. Solotica Natural Colors cosmetic lenses feature a slight limbal ring and give the eyes a slightly sharper look than Solotica Hidrocor

Strong Limbal Ring

Cosmetic lenses with a strong limbal ring have a defined darker outer ring which gives the eyes a more dramatic look. Bella Diamond collection features a strong limbal ring and gives a beautiful bold look.

Contrasting Limbal Ring

Colored lenses with a contrasted limbal ring refer to lenses which have a strong outer ring in a contrasted color to that of the iris. Bella Glow features several colors with a contrasting limbal ring for a more dramatic look such as Glow Radiant Brown and Luminous Pearl.